Title: I'm Not The Fighting Kind Medium: Television Fandom: 30 Rock Subject: Jack/Liz Notes: A preemptive Jack and Liz farewell mix to help us in the process of getting through the final thirteen. It's truly unnecessary how sad this mix is, but we all have ways of coping SO LET ME HAVE THIS.
Title: Message Received Pairing: Jack/Liz Rating: PG Summary: Jack tunes in for an all new Queen of Jordan. (From Jack’s POV. With an abundance of spoilers for 6x20.) Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Title: I Loved You Then And I Love You Now Medium: Television Fandom: 30 Rock Subject: Jack/Liz Notes: A mixtape for when you want to clubbing on the town and party dance all night. (And so what if I really just made it because these two fools finally finished another flawless photoshoot together?)
Title: The Terror That Ensues Medium: Television Fandom: 30 Rock Subject: Jack Donaghy Notes: Because things are happening for Alec Baldwin, and we all have ways of coping. (I use mixtapes and self-loathing)
Title: All The Things We Are Medium: Television Fandom: Parks and Recreation Subject: Ben/Leslie Notes: Recommended listening for cheering yourself up in the midst of a sadness bath.
Title: Sweet Somethings Medium: General Subject: Valentine's Day/Love Notes: A Valentine’s Day mix dedicated to everyone wondering if they miss you as much as you miss them.
Title: An Involvement Of Handsomeness Medium: Television Fandom: 30 Rock Subject: Liz/Floyd, Liz/Drew, Liz/Dennis, Liz/Wesley Notes: A musical overview for a few of Liz Lemon’s romantic endeavors.